Akoya and FDX: Advancing secure open finance solutions
At Akoya, we are committed to empowering consumers to manage their finances with greater choice, control, and convenience by…
Solve for regulatory compliance and securely share your customer data through the Akoya network.
Access consumer-permissioned, API-powered data directly from a wide range of financial institutions.
At Akoya, we are committed to empowering consumers to manage their finances with greater choice, control, and convenience by…
For over 20 years, the financial services industry has thrived on innovation fueled by data access. Consumers have embraced…
Personal financial management has evolved rapidly in the past few years. The user experience provided by financial technology…
Digital payment markets across the globe continue to rise. We see significant growth and usage in the U.S., particularly with the…
The success of fintechs in the past decade can be attributed, in large part, to their ability to remove friction from user…
For fintech companies trying to offer innovative payment services and options to consumers, relying on the ACH network feels…
As of 2022, 78% of adults in the U.S. prefer to bank via a mobile app or website1. With online financial services being a…
Methods such as micro-deposits, void checks, and bank statements have long been cornerstones for verifying the authenticity of…
For over two decades, companies have grappled with finding a safe way for consumers to share access to their financial data with…
Watch Anil Mahalaha (Chief Evangelist at Akoya) and Rachel Hicks (Business Reporter) discuss the risks of screen scraping, new…
Embedded payments are popping up with increasing regularity in everyday consumer’s lives, but are we seeing today’s embedded…
Listen to our CEO Stuart Rubinstein and Ben Metz, Head of Digital for Jack Henry & Associates, as they chat with Rob Morgan of…