Easy access to user financial statements
Equip your users with the ability to seamlessly access and download their financial account statements via our secure bank statement API.
Reliable and secure statement retrieval
Statements allows your users to retrieve up to two years (24 months) of historical account statements for their permissioned accounts. Statements are delivered in PDF format.
100% user-permissioned APIs
Akoya’s Statements product allows you to securely retrieve financial statements in PDF format through APIs permissioned by your users. Built on the Akoya network, Statements ensures a seamless developer experience, easy integration, and provides relevant, reliable data that meets the latest FDX specifications.
Related products
Provide users with seamless access to transaction data, including amounts, dates, and descriptions, across account types.
Enable your users to access balances for bank accounts, credit cards, loans, investments, and more.
Get started
Explore our self-service sandbox for developers. Set-up a free account to access test data and move to production when you’re ready.