Simplify financial data sharing

Akoya offers financial institutions a growing network of fintechs and data aggregators to securely share their customers’ permissioned data via API. You can also join the network as a data recipient and enable your customers to connect external accounts.

Graphic depicting sign in for bank with secure api connections to products such as business financial management payment enablement wealth management and investing
Graphic depicting sign in for bank with secure api connections to products such as business financial management payment enablement wealth management and investing

Reasons to integrate

Outsource 3rd party management

Reduce the costs of contracting, vetting, building, and maintaining agreements with countless fintech apps.

Ensure security and privacy

Review security assessments and policies of all network participants — including Akoya, which is SOC 2 Type II certified.

Implement once

Stop one-off API integrations and offer Akoya as an access point to receive customers’ permissioned data.

Enhance product offerings

Be a data recipient and give customers the ability to connect external accounts and held-away assets to build value-add services.

End credential-sharing

Enable customers to authenticate directly with you without sharing their login information with 3rd parties.

Give control to your customers

Provide tools that empower customers to monitor and control who has access to their data.


Why are financial institutions utilizing Akoya?

Picture of US Bank logo
Gareth Gaston
EVP & Chief Digital Officer, Enterprise Platforms & Capabilities, U.S. Bank
“After one seamless integration onto Akoya, we are now able to authorize direct connections with data aggregators and fintechs that will use the Akoya Data Access Network. The data recipients that the customer authorizes to connect to their U.S. Bank account through Akoya will receive authorized and permissioned access to U.S. Bank customer data, all while giving consumers the confidence that their data is safe and secure.”
Picture of PNC Logo
Bill Demchak
Chairman, President, and CEO, PNC
“We recognize how important it is for our customers to be able to use the financial applications of their choice in a safe and secure manner. Akoya’s capabilities help us meet the data sharing needs of our customers as well as data aggregators, data providers and other third parties, in line with evolving industry standards. This is good for our business, good for our customers and good for the industry.”
Fidelity logo white
Abigail P. Johnson
Chairman and CEO, Fidelity Investments
“Consumers' personal financial data should only be accessed with their explicit consent and they should have the ability to monitor and revoke that access. For this reason, we created Akoya and are now joining with several financial institutions to accelerate the availability of a secure, transparent and more reliable network for the entire financial services industry.”
Picture of Jack Henry & Associates Logo
Ben Metz
Chief Technology Officer and Chief Digital Officer, Jack Henry
"Partnering with Akoya gives hundreds of community banks and credit unions the ability to bring more fintech apps within their own ecosystem and empower consumers to better control their data privacy and security. This is the future of banking; a transition away from screen scraping in favor of full financial access through one’s primary financial institution. It’s how community banks and credit unions will compete.”
Picture of TD Bank Logo
Rizwan Khalfan
Chief Digital and Payments Officer, TD

"TD has always had a strong commitment to digital innovation, and that means continuing to invest in new ways for our customers to manage their finances online. Our relationship with Akoya leverages the use of APIs to give our customers an enhanced experience as well as more privacy and security when sharing their data.”

Picture of US Bank logo
Picture of PNC Logo
Picture of Fidelity Logo
Picture of Jack Henry & Associates Logo
Picture of TD Bank Logo

Data provider offering



A full-service SaaS solution that enables data providers to oversee data recipients and implement customer consent management tools.
Network connection
Execute one integration and contract for one-to-many API connections with all downstream data recipients.
Financial Data Exchange (FDX) compatibility
Translate data for delivery in a unified format for ease of use.
Hosted test environment
Offer sample mock responses in a hosted test environment to support data recipient testing of connections.
Data recipient directory
Receive a complete view of all vetted data recipients and current recipient connections.
Management console
Self-manage connections, add products, and configure recipients. View recipient activity on the network for improved tracking.
Recipient due diligence
Review recipient security and risk assessments that outline their security policies and controls.
Consent flow
Enable customers to authenticate, select accounts, and permission data to flow through Akoya to data recipients.
Permission dashboard
Using our API, offer customers the ability to see which recipients have access to their permissioned data, add new accounts, remove accounts, or remove access.

Network connection
Execute one integration and contract for one-to-many API connections with all downstream data recipients.
Financial Data Exchange (FDX) compatibility
Translate data for delivery in a unified format for ease of use.
Hosted test environment
Offer sample mock responses in a hosted test environment to support data recipient testing of connections.
Data recipient directory
Receive a complete view of all vetted data recipients and current recipient connections.
Management console
Self-manage connections, add products, and configure recipients. View recipient activity on the network for improved tracking.
Recipient due diligence
Review recipient security and risk assessments that outline their security policies and controls.
Consent flow
Enable customers to authenticate, select accounts, and permission data to flow through Akoya to data recipients.
Permission dashboard
Using our API, offer customers the ability to see which recipients have access to their permissioned data, add new accounts, remove accounts, or remove access.

Not sure? Let’s chat about your needs.

We optimize for security

Data privacy is core to our mission.
Our passthrough model does not copy, store, or hold any customer information.
We meet the highest security standards by successfully completing regular security audits, including the SOC 2 Type II attestation.
Our cloud-based micro-services architecture enables continuous application upgrades and offers strong in-flight and at-rest encryption.
We only allow fintechs and data aggregators that meet mandatory security controls and policies to join the network.
Graphic depicting Bank of America being connected through Akoya's secure API in the data recipient hub and the supported data elements such as account number and account type

Want to be a data recipient?

Build your own fintech tools by enabling customers to connect external accounts and held-away assets through Akoya. Our recipient products are the building blocks for financial planning and budgeting tools, investment management, payment enablement, account opening, lending, credit enhancement, etc.

Our mission is to end screen scraping

Akoya is here to give people a safe, secure, and transparent way to provide access to their financial data.

Our story

Get Started

Please complete the form below and an Akoyan will be in touch.