Customized, usage-based pricing
Akoya offers an affordable network solution for Open Finance.
How Akoya charges
Akoya does not store personally identifiable information nor track users across their various financial institutions. As a result, we do not offer “per user” pricing.
Tiered pricing is available for increased volumes through the network.
Our pricing depends on factors such as:
- Types of products being accessed
- Frequency of data refreshes or “pulls”
- Number of monthly active users
- Average number of financial institutions accessed per user
Our pricing models
If you call for data on a discrete or transactional basis (i.e., triggered by your user when they are looking to take an action), pricing will be based on total API call volume. You will be charged each time you use our products.
Applicable use cases:
- Account opening
- Lending & credit enhancement
- Payment enablement
Per provider connection
If you call for data on a recurring or scheduled basis (i.e., on a nightly or weekly refresh of updated or new information), Akoya bills on a per provider-connection basis.
For example, if one of your users authenticates with one financial institution, you are charged on a monthly basis for that one connection. Each authentication through Akoya at a financial institution counts as a connection.
Applicable use cases:
- Business financial management
- Personal financial management
- Wealth management & investing