Solve for 1033 data sharing regulation

Comprehensive open finance solution for financial institutions to meet CFPB Section 1033 data sharing requirements.
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Financial Institutions Trust Akoya

“We recognize how important it is for our customers to be able to use the financial applications of their choice in a safe and secure manner. Akoya’s capabilities help us meet the data sharing needs of our customers as well as data aggregators, data providers and other third-parties, in line with evolving industry standards. This is good for our business, good for our customers and good for the industry.”

Bill Demchak, Chairman, President and CEO, PNC

PNC logo color


“We chose Akoya’s network to enable our customers to share their financial data. Akoya’s pass-through solution is efficient and is designed with data privacy and data minimization in mind.  Akoya’s end-to-end management of the contracting process, streamlining of the onboarding and risk management processes, and operational efficiencies significantly accelerate our implementation timelines.”

Figen Ceceli, SVP, Head of Data Aggregation Product, Fidelity Investments

Fidelity logo color

"TD has embraced the Akoya Data Access Network as a key enabler of our customer-driven banking strategy in the US market. This has allowed us to provide our customers with a safe and secure way to share their data with participating third-parties of their choice."

Franklin Garrigues, Vice President of External Ecosystems, TD Bank




Data provider obligations under 1033 NPRM

On October 19th, 2023 the CFPB announced proposed rulemaking that would accelerate a shift toward open banking, where consumers would have control over their data and would gain new protections against companies misusing that data.

Under the proposed rulemaking, financial institutions must adhere to certain technical and procedural obligations in order to achieve and maintain compliance. This includes:

Developer Interface icon
Developer Interface

Establish and maintain a 1033 compliant developer interface (APIs, docs, test data, etc.).

Covered Data icon
Covered Data

Make available data for Reg E & Reg Z accounts (balances, transactions history, T&Cs, payment initiation information).

Third Party Onboarding, Due Diligence + Contracting icon
Third Party Onboarding, Due Diligence + Contracting

Conduct security reviews and maintain agreements with third party data recipients.

Required Metrics icon
Required Metrics

Meet and report out on quantitative metrics (99.5%  uptime, 3.5 sec API response).

Compliance to Standards icon
Compliance to Standards

Ensure continuous compliance to established technical and regulatory standards.

Performance rules icon
Performance Rules

Meet & report on technical performance requirements (latency, success rate, availability).

Tech + Customer Support icon
Tech + Customer Support

Provide technical and customer support to all third parties who want to access the developer interface.

Policies + Procedures
Policies + Procedures

Establish and maintain centralized written policies and procedures for access requests, denials, record retention, etc.

Akoya can help your financial institution be 1033-compliant

Akoya's end-to-end solution meets and maintains compliance for data providers with ever-evolving Open Banking technical standards (e.g., Financial Data Exchange - FDX) and CFPB Data Rights Regulations.

Download 1033 Solution Overview

Quickly and easily set-up a developer interface

Integration options can be made to fit unique tech stacks with multiple authorization / data access patterns. 

Audit Log
Leverage tested and hardened solutions

Akoya provides a rich library of branded capabilities used by data providers to meet their needs and compliance requirements.

Meet ever-evolving open finance standards

Our white-labeled, hosted solution is continuously updated as technical standards and regulations evolve.

Delegate operations to a seasoned team

We manage the operational and compliance tasks of supporting data recipients based on data provider requirements and policies.

1033 Compliance Solution

Akoya hosted developer interface

Data provider branded solutions

Ready to leverage solutions are white-labeled and used by data providers to establish the third-party developer interface.

All solutions: 
  • Developer interface for onboarding, reporting and ongoing management
  • Admin console
  • Hosted APIs and endpoints
  • Documentation
  • Sandbox test data
  • Consumer consent management
Akoya third-party managed services

End-to-end managed services

In addition to the technical lift, Akoya oversees contractual agreements, runs third-party due diligence, manages relationships and support of third-parties, and conducts technical integrations.

All services:
  • Third-party onboarding, due diligence and contracting
  • Technical and customer support
  • Compliance to technical standards
  • Compliance to policies and regulations
  • Dispute & resolution reports

Stay ahead of compliance deadlines

Prepare your organization for CFPB 1033 data rights open banking rulemaking by establishing a developer interface as required in the proposed rule. Act today and stay ahead of the compliance dates based on your organization's asset size or revenue as a data provider.



Months until compliance

Tier 1 >$500B in assets 6 months post rulemaking
Tier 2 $50B up to $500B in assets 12 months post rulemaking
Tier 3 $850M up to $50B 30 months / 2.5 years post rulemaking
Tier 4 <$850M in assets 48 months / 4 years post rulemaking


Learn more about our understanding of the privacy and data security implications of 1033 and how to prepare your organization for the implementation of the proposed rule in this webinar:

Privacy in Open Banking Webinar

Request a 30-minute demo

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